CERN Accelerating science

Tackling tomorrow’s ICT challenges today

Monday, 14 August, 2017
CERN openlab is organising an open day on 21 September 2017 — everyone is welcome! Come and learn about our work: collaborating with leading ICT companies and research institutes to accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions for the worldwide LHC community — as well as for wider scientific research.

As CERN openlab's current three-year phase comes to a close, discover the technical highlights from our diverse range of projects. And find out more about future ICT challenges we aim to tackle too! The event will see the launch of the new CERN openlab white paper on future ICT challenges: this is the culmination of a process of deep consultation with representatives of the experiments here at CERN.

The event will take place at CERN in the Council Chamber, as well as in the upstairs mezzanine area (“salle des pas perdus”) of the Main Building. It will feature hands-on technology demonstrations from companies working with CERN openlab, so that you too can discover the latest ICT innovations.

If you’re interested in finding out more about how research and industry can work together in close partnership to drive innovation in support of the scientific community, then this event is for you.

More information: