CERN openlab activities are spread throughout the structure of CERN, as shown below (click to enlarge)
The CERN openlab team is formed of three complementary groups of people: the young engineers hired by CERN and funded by the partners, technical experts from partner companies involved in the openlab projects, and CERN management and technical experts working partly or fully on the joint activities.
The distributed team structure permits close collaboration with computing experts in the LHC experiments, as well as with engineers and scientists from CERN openlab partners who contribute significant efforts to these activities. In addition, valuable contributions are made by students participating in the CERN openlab student programme, either directly to openlab activities or more widely to WLCG, and other Grid and CERN related activities in the IT department.
Each CERN openlab project team is coordinated by a CERN staff member, who liaises closely with representatives of the collaborating company.